The Importance of a Boundary Survey

boundary survey in brisbane

Conducting a boundary survey from an experienced, registered NSW land surveyor is essential when purchasing or selling property, and helps avoid possible neighbourhood disputes in the future.

A boundary survey can identify fences, retaining walls and other structures outside a property’s boundaries that could encroach onto neighbouring properties and help resolve any encroachments that have taken place.

What is a Boundary Survey?

A boundary survey is a type of land survey that defines property lines. This step should be undertaken prior to any new build project being initiated in order to avoid costly legal disputes that could cost both parties both in terms of time and money.

An identification survey can help resolve disputes over fences, trees or retaining walls between neighbours. Queensland Surveying Solutions has extensive experience carrying out this type of work for residential and commercial clients alike.

QSS will take the time to survey your property and mark its boundaries to ensure accurate corner locations. We then can cross-reference with historical records for any discrepancies.

Property owners can use this data to ensure they do not infringe upon anyone else’s land when making decisions regarding fencing, sheds, extensions and planting trees on their land. Doing this research before beginning construction projects protects you from potential conflicts with neighbours and saves a great deal of money in the long run.

Why do I need a Boundary Survey?

Professional land surveys provide the ideal method for locating property lines. A survey also allows the property owner to locate any easements, building setbacks or zoning regulations to avoid costly legal issues in the future. Land surveys are frequently required by mortgage lenders and title insurance companies as part of their application processes.

No matter whether you are buying or building, it is wise to have a boundary survey conducted by an accredited land surveyor. A boundary survey will help ensure any disputes or disagreements between neighbours over property lines do not escalate, as well as prevent litigation should any arise.

At the outset of a boundary survey, a land surveyor will conduct extensive research using property deeds and other sources of data. They then conduct field reconnaissance to ascertain exact corners and boundaries, before compiling this information to create an in-depth drawing that includes information such as acreage amounts, corner locations, encroachments and rights of way.

Boundary Survey Costs

Professional surveys by registered NSW land surveyors provide an effective, cost-efficient solution to ensure you’re building on the correct property boundaries. A land survey can also serve as part of home ownership due diligence and could help avoid expensive legal disputes with neighbours or Council, while lending companies may require proof that an accurate boundary survey has been performed before granting loans.

Costs associated with boundary surveys depend on several factors, including type, size, location and timeframe required to complete it professionally. Surveying larger properties often costs more than smaller ones.

A Cadastral Boundary Survey or Identification Survey determines the precise location and boundaries of parcels of land. Additionally, this can reveal any encroachments, easements or restrictions registered against it on Title.

Boundary Survey Reports

A boundary survey is an essential component of property ownership due diligence and is required by most mortgage lenders. A boundary survey helps define the legal boundaries of your land and protect it against costly incursions by neighbours, local councils or title companies. Once completed by a professional surveyor, they will provide you with a detailed plan and report that is legally binding.

Research and field work are essential components of conducting a boundary survey. Research involves reviewing plans and title certificates related to the property in question; next, the surveyor travels out to its corners for field surveys on paint, flags or wooden stakes to mark its boundaries; depending on its purpose they may even mark northpoints or prepare deed sketches as needed.

Identification surveys, also known as property surveys, are commonly employed by new homebuyers or builders to ensure they’re purchasing the appropriate parcel of land. Furthermore, identification surveys can assist with settling disputes over fencing, trees or retaining walls in neighbourhoods.

Civil Surveys

Civil Surveys

Civil surveys are essential components of any construction project. Without one, roads, buildings, railways, tunneling projects and other forms of engineering cannot be built correctly or fully.

Civil engineers use data collected through surveys to draft proposals for the creation of infrastructure that protects both the environment and structures safely.

Land Surveys

Land surveying offers detailed plans and accurate distance measurements to help you gain a fuller picture of your plot of land. Whether you are purchasing property or need to build, land surveys provide an exact idea of your legal boundaries – helping prevent property line disputes later down the line and ensure your construction doesn’t encroach onto neighboring properties.

Control surveying, which involves setting reference points as starting positions for subsequent surveys, requires knowledge in geometry, trigonometry, regression analysis programming languages physics and civil law.

Land surveys require specialized equipment that may cost several hundred dollars or more, depending on the size and complexity of your site. But investing in such surveys is worth it to avoid costly and time-consuming mistakes later.

Boundary Surveys

A boundary survey involves the identification and surveying of natural and manmade features on a property to establish its boundaries. It comprises numerous steps, such as registry research, field reconnaissance and writing an exhaustive report for clients.

Property owners would do well to have a boundary survey conducted before purchasing or developing land, as this ensures compliance with state laws and regulations regarding parcel boundaries. A boundary survey also helps prevent future issues related to building over neighboring property lines which could result in legal disputes; additionally, easements or rights-of-way grants that aren’t visible can be discovered and clients have the option of having their survey show any improvement locations such as homes, sheds, pools or fences on their land.

Topographic Surveys

Before beginning construction on any site, topographic surveys provide invaluable data that helps engineers working on the project. A topographic survey can help engineers as they determine how much dirt needs to be brought in from outside sources for filling an area as well as identify natural and man-made features on the land.

Topographic surveys offer a detailed charting of land’s terrain, ground markings and landscape features such as fences, trees, lakes, buildings streets roads bridges. In large area surveys the horizontal control is typically established through triangulation systems or traverses (sometimes using tape-compass and plane table); for smaller areas primary horizontal and vertical controls may be determined with stadia traverse.

Hydrographic Surveys

Surveyors utilize advanced equipment to collect underwater data and produce maps. This data is then analyzed for various purposes such as engineering projects, navigational charts, Digital Terrain Models (DTMs), volume charts and isobath plots, among others.

Coastal surveys allow civil engineers to investigate coastlines, document flora and fauna, aid land reclamation projects, as well as provide data that helps ensure maritime safety – helping navigators navigate ship lanes more safely.

Passage surveys are carried out to ascertain the condition of inland waterways for ship passage purposes, with an aim of creating passageways for ships to pass through. This involves analyzing mean draft, studying restrictions on ship sizes and considering feasibility of straits like Panama Canal. As hydrographic surveys produce one of the densest datasets available today, efficient acquisition-to-processing ratios are key for successful surveys.

Astronomical Surveys

Astronomical surveys gather astronomical information across large portions of the sky. Also referred to as “observing programs”, these surveys collect large-scale astronomical data sets for further study.

Survey images provide astronomers with more than just an image catalogue; they also give them information to select specific targets for more in-depth observations, which reduces time spent stargazing through telescopes.

U-M is investing in the future of astronomical surveying by providing preferred access to major surveys such as Dark Energy Survey and Large Synoptic Survey Telescope as well as Pan-STARRS project, providing valuable troves of data that will further our knowledge about galactic structure, exoplanet detection, black hole behavior and dark energy science.

Choosing Land Surveyors in Brisbane

land surveyors in Brisbane

Land surveyors possess in-depth knowledge of geography, land measurements and property laws that encase your land. With their expertise, land surveyors can help determine the precise boundaries of your property while helping with any legal disputes that may arise as a result.

Selecting an experienced land surveyor for your task is key to making sure it runs smoothly. When hiring one, there are various aspects you should keep in mind such as:


Land surveyors specialize in the accurate determination of property boundaries. To do so, they employ various tools, such as GPS and theodolites; advanced software programs like AutoCAD may also be utilized to map measurements. Surveyors must possess strong understandings of mapping, geography and law to accurately ascertain property boundaries.

Boundary surveys are essential tools for anyone with land. They allow you to gain an understanding of where your property lines lie, ensure compliance with local government regulations and can even verify acreage tax assessments for accurate tax assessments.

Surveyors are the go-to people at construction sites for measuring and mapping landscapes. They work closely with architects and engineers in understanding the local terrain so buildings fit seamlessly onto it while remaining safe to construct. Surveyors also often collaborate on larger-scale projects like road and tunnel building.


When hiring a land surveyor, make sure they possess the necessary expertise for your project. They should know which type of survey is needed, using appropriate equipment to accurately measure the property. This ensures accurate and reliable results from your survey.

Land surveyors work both inside and outside their dedicated offices with high order GPS technologies, aerial/terrestrial scanners and Theodolites (robotic total stations) to collect data for analysis and gathering evidence. Furthermore, they can take pictures for evidence purposes and perform complex computations.

Land surveyors offer vital services in preparation of development projects, including mapping and cadastral surveys, advice for boundary disputes and encroachment issues, Surveyors Height Certificates submitted to councils and Building Certifiers as well as providing advice regarding boundary disputes or encroachment issues. They can also create surveyors Height Certificates that show compliance with local planning regulations – saving both money and preventing litigation down the line.


If you are purchasing property, it is essential that a survey be completed prior to closing. This will ensure that your deed reflects accurately, verify acreage for tax purposes, and determine if neighboring fences encroach onto your own.

Land surveyors specialize in researching property records and physically measuring it, then comparing measurements against previous surveys or deeds for any discrepancies that arise. Finally, they create a CAD-drawn survey map as their final product that they submit to clients.

Some surveyors specialize in cartography while others specialise in engineering projects. Marine mapping services utilizing surveyors help harbour specialists determine depths and ocean floors; project management companies often hire them. Surveyors charge by the hour with prices depending on location and complexity of project; they must also review legal documents and other materials to evaluate these processes properly.


Costs associated with land surveying depend on both the type of survey necessary and size of property being surveyed, with large properties costing more. Pricing also varies based on location; for instance, properties located near mountains will typically cost more than those nearer coasts; also considering whether vegetation or structures exist on your plot can have an effect.

Surveys can help ensure clear boundaries between property owners and reduce future disputes or encroachments, providing accurate information for tax assessment purposes as well as saving you money on mortgage costs.

Land surveyors in Brisbane often offer topographic surveys as another service, which involves measuring property and creating a three dimensional blueprint of its location. Although more costly than boundary surveys, topographic surveys provide in-depth information about terrain surface features as well as topographical details of your land’s terrain surface and topographic features.

Cadastral Surveyor in Brisbane

cadastral surveyor in brisbane

Cadastral surveys are performed by qualified surveyors who employ various field and office tools to pinpoint property boundaries, which they then record in an official government survey plan.

Though governments strive to develop an accurate digital cadastral database (DCDB), this is still not considered legal document as this would require a certified survey plan for verification.

Boundary Surveys

Identification and marking property boundaries is an integral component of land ownership. Whether purchasing property for development purposes, resolving a boundary dispute with neighbours, or simply wanting a clear understanding of your own boundaries, a boundary survey can help define them effectively and reduce costly mistakes.

Cadastral surveyors conduct boundary surveys for many reasons, such as re-establishing old property lines or creating new boundaries during subdivision processes. Their work typically entails research, fieldwork and creating an end product which shows property boundaries – commonly referred to as a plat map.

Cadastral surveys must be performed by licensed cadastral surveyors, so always request to see their license and insurance details prior to hiring one. Furthermore, make sure they are registered members of the Surveyors Board of Queensland in order to ensure compliance with regulations surrounding property boundaries and definition.

Valuation Surveys

Valuation surveys serve to establish, mark, and reestablish property boundaries. This may be done to resolve ownership issues related to laws of land ownership or as part of the subdivision process; any results are then recorded onto a survey plan and lodged with the appropriate council.

Only licensed cadastral surveyors are qualified to place survey marks to mark a boundary or produce and lodge survey plans with the government, while their insurance will provide protection for both them and your property if something should go amiss.

Boundary surveys are an integral component of construction, renovation, and development projects as well as helping resolve boundary disputes between two properties. At CAD Surveys in Brisbane and across Queensland, our boundary survey team routinely prepares such surveys for clients; in particular they have performed these services at large complexes such as Fortitude Valley. In addition, they also advise developers on matters related to titling issues for new developments.

Subdivision Surveys

When land is divided into multiple parcels for sale or development purposes, a survey must be conducted in order to establish new parcel boundaries and associated titles. This type of survey is commonly known as a subdivision survey and can be conducted using methods such as plans, descriptive plans or metes and bounds descriptions.

Subdivision surveys usually include investigations for Sewer and Water connections, which can be significant costs in any residential subdivision development project. Our team can quickly assess your requirements for site planning purposes and advise accordingly.

Before selecting a surveyor, ensure they possess an active license and insurance information. This will guarantee their professional status and allow you to receive top service from them. We also suggest checking their portfolio prior to engaging them for service.

Building Surveys

Cadastral surveys involve the physical delineation of property boundaries and determination of dimensions, areas and specific rights associated with each property. A surveyor uses spatial measurement principles as well as legal principles to achieve this result, often in conjunction with architects or engineers for designing purposes or to establish foundation for new building projects.

Cadastral surveys may involve the identification or reestablishment of boundary lines for residential or commercial developments, subdivisions of land and easement surveys. A cadastral surveyor will then create a survey plan and submit it for registration with the government.

Cadastral survey marks are permanent features which should not be removed or disturbed as this could result in costly re-surveys and delays. Always engage a licensed and insured professional for peace of mind; ensure they carry sufficient public liability insurance cover in case there are any unforeseen damage-causing incidents; request copies of their license and insurance details prior to engaging their services.

Land Surveying in Brisbane

land surveying in brisbane

Land surveying is an invaluable service that is employed across various fields, providing engineers and architects with essential insight into understanding landscape features to ensure construction projects run safely and efficiently.

Land surveys can help buyers of properties acquire greater clarity regarding where the boundaries of their new acquisition lie and verify its acreage – this is particularly essential when applying for mortgages.

Professional services

Land surveyors play an invaluable role in numerous industries, such as construction, architecture, engineering and town planning. Their work can have a direct influence on land ownership laws while helping prevent legal disputes over potential incroachments on unowned property.

An experienced surveyor can accurately map out your property boundaries, which is vital when purchasing or selling a home. They also help avoid conflicts between neighbours and can assist in establishing where a boundary fence or wall should go.

Cost of Surveys Varies The cost of surveys will depend on both the size and location of a property being assessed, with larger or more complicated sites usually costing more to assess as professional may need to travel further from their workplace, increasing fuel costs while taking away time from other clients. Furthermore, clearing debris or obstructions from land may incur an hourly charge rate as well.

Maps and plans

The Museum of Lands, Mapping and Surveying provides an insight into how surveying and mapping have evolved in Queensland over time, through an exhibition featuring historical telescopes, measuring instruments, equipment and maps. Also on display is Oscar Fristrom’s 1905 bust of Augustus Charles Gregory as Queensland’s inaugural Surveyor-General sculpted by Oscar Fristrom himself.

Surveyors are expert at outlining property boundaries to help prevent any future problems from arising, making constructing your home simpler than ever before. With proper boundary surveys completed, building will go forward without any hurdles in its path.

Surveyors offer numerous other services, such as ALTA/ACSM surveys, construction staking, residential builder layouts and 3D laser scanning. Additionally, they can perform topographic mapping and hydrographic/bathometric surveys; topographic mapping provides you with details about your site so that informed decisions can be made about projects such as underground utilities locations as well as potential hazards or risks that can be identified with it.


Drones have quickly become an indispensable tool in land surveying due to their versatility. Deployed quickly and effortlessly, drones provide images of large areas quickly and effortlessly – perfect for quickly establishing property lines, determining elevations and tracking topographical changes over time as well as saving fuel costs by eliminating traditional field work. Furthermore, equipped with thermal and LiDAR sensors they provide more data than standard cameras alone.

Drone surveys produce high-resolution orthomosaic maps and 3D models that can be used to generate cadastral surveys with more accurate distance and surface measurements than are possible with total stations.

Drones offer surveyors another distinct advantage in difficult-to-reach locations where humans would be at risk, making drones ideal for remote surveys that would otherwise take weeks to complete on foot or by car.

Finding a qualified surveyor

Land surveyors are the only professionals able to accurately define a property’s boundaries, making them invaluable resources for anyone planning on building on their land or seeking to resolve neighbor disputes by setting forth its legal boundaries.

Acquiring real estate is a significant purchase that should be followed up with a comprehensive land survey to verify its acreage and ensure you’re getting what you’ve paid for from your seller.

Surveyors can mark the approved location for any new building or renovation. This helps builders, concreters, and other contractors working on the project save both time and money while adhering to local planning regulations. Furthermore, surveyors provide invaluable reports about soil type and ground conditions which is particularly helpful when working underground on construction projects.

Why You Need a Land Surveyor

Property surveys are an integral component of any construction, renovation or development project, and they can also prove invaluable when purchasing land parcels.

A licensed land surveyor in Brisbane & South East Queensland can offer property owners several forms of surveys for their property – these include cadastral and boundary surveys.

Boundary Identification Surveys

Boundary identification surveys consist of locating, measuring and marking your property’s legal boundaries. This step should be undertaken before undertaking any construction or renovation projects that could affect neighbouring properties; they also can give peace of mind when buying or selling residential real estate contracts as they will confirm whether their description matches up to actual physical boundaries of land.

An effective boundary survey is essential in resolving disagreements among homeowners regarding where each property ends and begins. Furthermore, it can ensure any new structures you build on your land are appropriately situated to avoid future encroachments by neighbours or any future issues with their neighbors.

As part of a boundary study, your surveyor will combine historical research with modern measurement tools to locate existing marker parks or line pegs on your property and mark them accordingly. A survey plan will then be created which details where exactly your property begins and ends.

Topographic Surveys

Topographic survey, commonly known as feature contour survey, locates all natural and man-made features on a site and records their height, depth, width and size. It forms part of the building process and helps builders prepare designs based on existing conditions.

Land surveyors also perform easement surveys. These assess whether there are any restrictions to your access from neighbouring properties or services like power and water. A survey can help clarify any unclear or unenforceable agreements between neighbours as well as prevent legal problems later such as allegations of trespassing.

Michel Group Services offer comprehensive town planning and land surveying services for residential, commercial and industrial developments in Queensland and New South Wales. From concept planning through registration of titles registration – Michel Group Services are here for every phase of development process! Reach out today with your needs so we can tailor our services specifically to suit both you and your budget!

Building Surveys

Some may view building surveys as optional, but they can save significant sums in repair work over time. Conducting a building survey is an affordable way to protect the investment you are making today while protecting its value down the line.

A level three building survey provides a thorough inspection of any property that includes internal spaces like cupboards and manholes as well as external features like chimneys, pointing, ridge, hip, verge conditions and drainage conditions.

Your surveyor will charge different rates depending on the size and features of your property and land features, with flat properties costing less to survey than more complex terrains. Furthermore, factors like age and type can play a part in how much you owe; generally speaking, however, it’s best to find someone who stays up-to-date with modern technology for more accurate service delivery.

Flood Surveys

Since the 2011 Brisbane floods and the discovery that Somerset and Wivenhoe Dams had duped residents into thinking they were floodproofed, many are seeking elevation surveys of both their land and buildings in flood zones as a requirement for loans or purchase transactions in such zones.

Flood surveys help determine the likelihood of flooding on your property from various sources such as rivers, creeks and local overland flows. Furthermore, they can identify viable flood mitigation options and zoning requirements which must be fulfilled to remain compliant.

The Flood Map below depicts various flooding levels that could impact your property, with each color representing the likelihood of it happening; for instance, bars above one percent indicate an increased chance of water reaching 9.2 meters and thus covering your entire ground floor area.

Contour and Detail Surveys in Brisbane

Detail Surveys in Brisbane

Before embarking on any design work for buildings, extensions or new roads, a Contour Survey or Detail Survey must first take place to enable your selected designer/engineers to create the optimal construction plan for your land that fulfills council requirements while remaining safe for building.

Noting the distinction, only registered cadastral surveyors can accurately draw a property boundary on a detailed plan, making any attempt at altering or removing these permanent survey marks illegal.

Boundary Surveys

Delineating property boundaries is an integral component of land ownership, as defining them without exception will prevent disagreements regarding use for residential purposes such as building houses, carports or sheds or for commercial development such as driveways, parking lots or pools.

A boundary survey is a legal document that establishes the true property corners and describes the parcel being surveyed, while also noting any easements or encroachments, such as rights-of-way across another person’s land for accessing public roads.

Research begins with deeds, maps and other records being examined for possible clues to property boundaries. Next, the surveyor visits the site and retraces those boundaries according to deed or plat. They may locate existing monuments such as iron pipes, rebar, concrete or stone markers or set new ones before combining their field work and research efforts into creating a survey plan and description of property.

Subdivision Surveys

Surveyors specialize in subdivision surveys to help divide up land into separate lots for new development purposes or selling off portions of it. This is often necessary when expanding on an existing property, or selling off certain portions for individual development projects.

Subdivision surveys involve creating new lot plans for each proposed new allotment to be subdivided, including title arrangements, any easements and existing buildings or improvements on the land being subdivided.

Before undertaking any subdivision project, a development permit application must first go through an impact or code assessment with the local council to ascertain if its suitability for that site.

If the DA is approved, specific development conditions will be prescribed and must be adhered to during construction. Surveyors can certify compliance with these conditions through “plan sealing”, typically included as part of subdivision surveys.

Contour Surveys

Contour or topographic surveys can be invaluable tools when it comes to your land. They show the different elevations on your parcel, and assist architects and builders in designing homes that take full advantage of natural landscape features.

Conducting a contour survey prior to building can also save costs, since steeper slopes tend to cost more. A contour survey will enable you to select designs for your block that are cost-effective while making decisions regarding designs for building on it more easily.

Contour surveys can also provide invaluable data when it comes to negotiating fixed prices with builders, as it reveals how much will need to be spent on grading and site works – eliminating surprises when starting construction on your home or project.

Building Surveys

Council requires a detailed survey of your property when lodging a planning application, to help determine the precise locations of proposed structures, land services, fences and roads, easements allowing other people access to your land as well as any easements allowing other people access.

Building surveyors evaluate roofs, walls, partitions, uncovered floors and fireplaces to assess their structure and condition as well as evaluate services such as water, electricity, gas and drainage.

All local government areas in Queensland impose building height restrictions above natural ground level, meaning any structure exceeding this limit requires a height certificate from a chartered surveyor.

Subdividing Land in Brisbane

Subdividing land in Brisbane involves many considerations. You will typically require development approval from the Council and payment of infrastructure levies as well as conducting a site survey for further analysis.

Subdividing land can take an average of six months due to various factors, including zoning laws and property lines.


Zoning laws set by local governments dictate how a property can be used and are designed to protect both the environment and people who reside within its boundaries. Furthermore, these zoning laws prevent harmful or disruptive land uses from coexisting nearby – so understanding zoning regulations in Brisbane is crucial when searching for property.

Zoning plays an essential role in urban planning by permitting higher density development within urban areas, which has contributed to the distinctive urban planning seen across many cities in both Australia and America. Zoning also allows for lower density residential suburbs to co-exist alongside dense urban centers.

University of Queensland expert Dorina Pojani described Brisbane City Council’s new plan to restrict townhouse and apartment development in low density suburbs as an unfortunate move in urban planning, saying that its proposal will increase prices substantially while diminishing public transport use which relies heavily on dense neighbourhoods.


If you’re planning to subdivide land in Brisbane, it is essential that you are aware of whether your property falls within the Traditional Building Character Overlay (TBC). This zone protects traditional buildings and character by setting out guidelines for new builds and renovations using traditional building materials and techniques; additionally it ensures new houses blend in harmoniously with existing houses. You can check if your property falls within this overlay zone using Brisbane Council’s interactive mapping tool or by entering your address into their search bar. To check, enter either “my address” into their search bar!

Overlays are an invaluable planning tool, and should be utilized openly and fairly. Furthermore, evidence-based submissions should be implemented in order to detect flaws with proposed overlay maps and make appropriate modifications as soon as possible – this includes issues that affect property owners rights under zoning laws.

Lot size

Subdivision land in Brisbane must take account of two main considerations when subdividing lots. One should be large enough for two new lots while meeting local zoning requirements and one should also be free from trees or obstructions that obstruct privacy or natural lighting.

Shape and topography also impact subdivision potential of properties, with irregularly shaped or steeply sloped land often necessitating more extensive engineering solutions to facilitate its subdivision potential. Access must also be granted for new lots by providing utilities or expanding infrastructure if necessary – this may involve building roads or expanding current ones as a requirement of subdivision.

Subdivision requires a comprehensive plan and an understanding of zoning laws and other regulations. As this process can be long and expensive, having the appropriate team in place is key for success. Furthermore, any profit generated from selling subdivided properties falls under commercial activity tax rules and must be reported accordingly.

Subdivision approval

Subdividing property to create more affordable housing options can be an extremely complex and costly process, which is why working with an experienced licensed surveyor is key in order to meet council regulations. They will identify how many lots can be created according to your property size and incline before lodging a development application as well as providing advice about any issues which could potentially compromise it.

Of course, there are various town planning guidelines that could impact subdividing of a property; these regulations can differ between councils. To avoid costly mistakes and reduce risks that might delay project completion and incur extra expenses, working with an experienced town planner is best. They will know about all the latest guidelines and uncover any opportunities you might miss – making sure your subdivision project goes as smoothly as possible and saving time and money in the process.

What Are Boundary Surveys?

Boundary Surveys

Boundary Surveys are land surveys used to legally establish ownership. Additionally, this form of inspection shows any possible encroachments onto specific parcels of property.

A licensed professional land surveyor will trace the corners of a parcel as described by its deed through historical research and on-the-ground measurements.

Boundary Corners

A boundary survey’s primary goal is to accurately locate and define the true corners of an existing parcel of land as stated in its deed, while also detecting any encroachments or easements on it.

Corners of property lines can be marked with either physical monuments or by existing iron rods and other evidence, but in cases when original evidence has been lost or disturbed retracement surveys may become necessary to provide proper results.

Retracement, or following in the footsteps of an initial surveyor to locate missing corners, can often be time consuming and expensive. Thanks to modern GNSS technology, geodetic coordinates are now the preferred method for setting property corners – and these coordinates can even be documented for tracking changes in datum or continental drift over time.

Lot Dimensions

Lot size is one of the key considerations when purchasing any property, whether home or land. It determines the available space for building projects and landscaping as well as providing an idea of any leftover space available for future expansion plans.

Information such as this can be found in deeds, subdivision plats and survey drawings. Dimensions included are lengths, bearings and angular distances between property lines as well as improvements such as houses, sheds, garages or pools that you wish to include on the drawing.

Before buying, subdividing, improving or building on any parcel of land, it’s essential that a boundary survey be completed in order to prevent costly mistakes and legal disputes by clearly outlining its boundaries legally. With our affordable boundary surveys available today, let us show you more. Contact us now to discover what services we can offer you!

Plat Drawing

Once the field work and monument placement have been completed, and monuments installed, the surveyor prepares a legal description and plan of the property. Depending on its nature, this may include plat maps, records of monuments and reports detailing decisions made or judgments rendered during this process.

Plat maps also display each parcel’s cardinal orientation (north, south, east and west), making them invaluable when planning where to build. If your dream home involves building it to take advantage of morning sunlight coming through east-facing windows or having ample southern exposure for solar panels.

No matter whether you’re buying or selling land, obtaining a boundary survey can help protect you from expensive and time-consuming legal disputes in the future. Contact a licensed professional land surveyor for more information regarding this essential service; licensed surveyors must adhere to state laws regarding defining property lines and detailing parcels of land.

Legal Description

Legal descriptions are an integral component of boundary surveys, providing basic features of your land that help identify it, conveying ownership during sales transactions and permitting easement creation.

Legal descriptions typically utilise the metes and bounds surveying system, in which a surveyor uses geographical features or monuments as boundaries, in combination with directions and distances to describe your parcel boundaries.

Information collected during field reconnaissance of your property. Research may include reviewing deeds, surveys, maps and records that detail its history.

Dependent upon your particular requirements, various forms of surveys may suit your needs: standard boundary, lot and block surveys, metes and bounds surveys and land title surveys are often conducted by title companies or mortgage lenders; in addition to determining where your property boundaries lie, these surveys also assess any encroachments onto it.

How Residential Surveyors Can Help You With Your Property

residential surveyors in Brisbane

Professional land surveyors can be invaluable resources when it comes to your property. From clarifying where property lines exist and assessing land areas accurately to helping determine exact acreages of your land.

Residential surveyors specialize in purchasing, selling and valuating real estate, managing portfolios of properties strategically, offering investment advice, development advice and conducting design surveys that provide architects and building designers with vital land, spatial and structural data for their projects.

Boundary Identification Surveys

Know where your property boundaries are is essential to making smart property investments and decisions. Boundary identification surveys (also referred to as cadastral surveys) can accurately outline a piece of land’s real limits by marking their exact positions with offset marks on the ground and creating a boundary recognition certificate that depicts its relationship to any nearby constructions and the border itself. Boundary surveys can especially helpful if you plan on adding structures or subdividing your land – they will help prevent future difficulties when selling or subdividing and avoid potentially expensive fees related to encroachment disputes and protect against future difficulties with selling/subdivision issues or subdivision disputes arising as these surveys can identify any possible issues before investing time or money is wasted in litigation fees caused by disputes over property encroachment disputes and help protect from costly fees related to encroachment disputes arising later down the line.

Surveyors will identify each property corner by using existing monuments or installing new ones as needed, before spray painting each corner with pink paint for easy visibility. Afterward, those commissioning the survey can select whether to include improvements such as homes, buildings, sheds, pools and fences on their boundary drawing before the surveyor takes note of any potential encroachments or incroachments on its boundary drawing.

Lease Surveys

Lease surveys measure the lettable area within a building according to the Property Council’s Handbook “Method of Measurement for Lettable Areas”, and are required of all commercial buildings or tenancies with lease terms exceeding three years that are valued per square metre.

Lease surveys can also be performed for entire tenancies in shopping centres or strip shops as well as warehouses, stand alone supermarkets and office spaces. Measurements will typically take place to the interior surface of walls unless otherwise stipulated in a lease contract.

Our licensed surveyors can provide title advice, preliminary and final survey plans for your development. Additionally, they have expertise conducting surveys for Easements and Covenants such as access easements to allow vehicles, tractors or other machinery to cross allotments, light/air easements or utility service easements.

Easement Surveys

At an easement survey, the land surveyor carefully inspects a property to locate any monuments or markers identifying its boundaries as well as easements or rights-of-way that impact it. He uses this information to develop a survey plan illustrating their placement relative to its boundaries.

This service is invaluable to anyone considering buying either land or homes, as it will reveal any easements which might impede how a property can be developed or utilized – this could include utility easements for water or power lines as well as access easements or conservation easements that affect how they can be built or used.

Conducting a property survey can also assist with verifying its acreage for tax purposes, and is usually necessary when borrowing money to purchase property from financial institutions. Surveys may also prove invaluable in settling boundary disputes with neighbours – saving time, money and stress in the future as well as protecting against erosion, landslides or earth collapse damage to both sides.

Topographic Surveys

Topographical surveys (feature contour surveys) are comprehensive mapping exercises designed to highlight all natural and manmade features on the land. To conduct one, highly specialised equipment such as robotic total stations, network GNSS receivers and laser scanners must be utilized in order to produce an accurate drawing of the site.

Survey results can be presented in various forms, from 2D plans or CAD data with photorealistic point clouds to 3D digital terrain models. Their main output – contour lines that represent every valley and peak on the land surface.

Topographic surveys are widely utilized for construction projects, real estate transactions, land planning and civil engineering design. With such surveys at hand, sound decisions can be made that ensure projects are efficiently planned out and cost effective. Topographic surveys also serve as an important tool for Building Certifiers when assessing proposed buildings against local government height restrictions.